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作家相片Fei Fei Huang

無形建築亞洲巡演-台北站 正式啟售 Invisible Architecture - Asia tour


Invisible Architecture(無形建築) 由四位結緣於美國頂尖爵士樂學府北德克薩斯州大學的音樂人在2021年結成。同年底,發行首張專輯《Between Now and Never》,專輯旋即獲臺灣第33屆獲金曲獎最佳專輯製作人獎與其他三項提名,並入圍金音獎亞洲創作音樂獎。

樂團由香港爵士吉他手 Alan Kwan 領銜,帶領同門的鍵盤手 Jordan Gheen 、鼓手 Matt Young 和貝斯手 Mike Luzecky以不同背景、城市景觀為靈感進行的創作,融合當代爵士和電子樂,探索有形與無形的玄奧。他們在東方心靈與西方爵士語彙之間,將視錯覺中的建築圖景以靈氣飽滿的器樂編排呈現,構建出一座漂浮於海市的音樂閣樓。

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節目名稱:Invisible Architecture 無形建築 亞洲巡演-台北站/河岸留言

專輯名稱:Between Now and Never 逗號與句號之間

樂團名稱:Invisible Architecture 無形建築

樂團成員:Alan Kwan - Guitars (吉他)

Jordan Gheen - Keyboards(鍵盤)

Matt Young - Drums(鼓)

Mike Luzecky - Bass(貝斯)

Invisible Architecture is a modern jazz band based in Hong Kong and Texas, founded by three musicians who met at the University of North Texas, one of the top jazz schools in the U.S. Their debut album, Between Now and Never, released in 2021, blends instrumental performances with contemporary jazz and agile electronic elements. The album won the Best Album Producer Award at the 33rd Golden Melody Awards, along with three other nominations, and was also nominated for the Asia Creative Music Award at the Golden Indie Music Awards.

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